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Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Deception Pass: Where Are We Headed?

Once again inspiration came from a previous visit to Whidbey Island just off the coast of Washington State. The only connection from the mainland to the island is to cross the Deception Pass bridge.  It is actually built as two spans and rises about 180 feet above the water. Above is an image of the bridge taken from Wikipedia and below is my art quilt.

I happened to be there on a sunny, but chilly, September day when the fog was wrapping around the bridge in a fascinating way as it moved inland from Puget Sound. 

Eventually, it did cover the bridge entirely making for an eerie atmosphere as cars and bridge walkers disappeared into the mist. It is the following picture that I have had in my head for some time as a possible design to explore.

When a call to artists went out for a regional SAQA show titled Bridge I knew I had my inspiration hanging in the back of my mind.  Deception Pass: Where Are We Headed? is the result.  I struggled with this one quite a while because the value changes had to be fairly strong in a short distance, in this case 32", but not make huge jumps or it wouldn't "flow". Here is a detail shot of the stitching.

And, just for fun, here's a look at it upside down!  I almost like it better this way but then it wouldn't be the Deception Pass bridge anymore! What do you think?


Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Continuing Ispiration

I know I have shown this picture of Ebey's prairie, located on Whidbey Island in the State of Washington, before but I am surprised by how many times I have come back to it for inspiration.  Mostly I have greatly simplified the image as in this 8 x 8 inch piece titled Prairie III.

Most recently, I decided to really delve into more of the details of the photo. I knew perspective would be critical so the angles of the field lines would be crucial.  I might tweak these a bit if I did it over again but this newest work seems to have captured the feeling of spaciousness that I get from looking at the original photo.  This is now my fourth piece that has come from just this one picture, Prairie IV.

Here is a detail image.  I have found that I really love stitching the foreground grasses with their grace and illusion of movement from the breeze.  One lucky break was the blue sky fabric. I had only one small piece left of this and it had lighter areas that ran vertical to way I needed to lay the piece.  Normally I would have wanted the light are to run horizontally but somehow this vertical "stripe" matched up perfectly with the open view to the distant ocean.  I had not enough fabric to move it right or left and still fit into my 12 x 12 inch space.  Sometimes there is inspiration and sometimes there is sheer luck!